All Saints Day Service of Thanksgiving & Remembrance

Join us on Wednesday 1 November at 7.30pm in church or online.

This simple service enables those who have experienced the loss of someone they love, to give thanks and remember their loved ones before God.

It may be that you have been bereaved in the recent or distant past… or maybe you know someone who is still struggling to come to terms with a loss – why not think about inviting them to come along?

Gift Day for Ministry and Mission 2023

Jesus makes a difference. He gives so much to us. Will you give back to Him?

Click here to respond. Click here to see our financial questions and answers.

Here at St Michael’s, our giving helps so much to happen!

Together we can make a difference.

We are called to be a Christian heart at the centre of our communities.

When we give, we help God’s work to happen.

If those who currently give, could increase our giving by £5 a week, alongside fifty new givers, giving £10 a week, and twenty-five new givers giving £20 a week, our annual deficit would vanish.

Please think and pray about what you might give this year. Either as a one-off payment or a monthly standing order payment.

We invite everyone at St Michael’s to count ourselves in by giving. Our generosity helps us to Learn and Grow, Share Jesus and Serve….TOGETHER!


Please add your response by filling in the form below. Or, if you prefer, download a paper form. You can also email us if you have any queries.

Soup Lunch for the Persecuted Church

On Sunday 15 October we will be having a soup lunch in aid of the Persecuted Church at 12.30 in the Lower Hall.
We will have lunch together, watch some inspirational videos and pray. There is no charge, but donations will be welcome towards the work of Open Doors and Barnabas Aid. Please join us in supporting our brothers and sisters in countries where following Jesus can mean being cut off from your family, imprisonment, or even death.
Please sign-up to let us know you’re coming

Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Group for Men

How is your emotional wellbeing? 

After the last few years it may well have taken a bit of a battering!  Maybe you are struggling with anxiety, depression, anger, grief or stress or maybe you are supporting someone dealing with these issues…

They are all very normal emotions; so please know that you are not alone! 

Why not consider joining a 6 week wellbeing programme being run by St Michael’s Church, Stoke Gifford? It’s called Kintsugi Hope and is based on the belief that there can be treasure found in the scars of life. 

Each week, in a small, safe and supportive group, we will look at subjects rarely talked about in-depth such as : Honesty, anxiety, depression, perfectionism, shame and anger.

The aim of this shared journey is to gain support, understanding and tools that will enable us to become more resilient. 

Kintsugi groups are suitable both for people of faith and for those with none. This particular course is for Men only.

Please email if you have any questions, or click here to book