The Marriage Course

We’re delighted to be running The Marriage Course. 

The Marriage Course is for couples who are seeking to strengthen their relationship. Some couples do the course to intentionally invest in their relationship, others are looking to address more specific challenges. Either way, the course offers essential tools and practical ideas to help you build a relationship that lasts a lifetime. The Marriage Course is based on Christian principles but designed for all couples with or without a church background

Click here to sign-up

(sign-up closes 5 September)

The course takes place in St Michael’s Centre, starting with a meal, and will be on Tuesday evenings starting 12 September for 8 sessions

There is a £15 charge (per couple) for course materials, and there will be an opportunity to donate towards the cost of food and drink. Please get in touch if cost is a prohibitive factor for you.

What can we expect?

1. Eat together

Each session begins with couples eating together. This gives guests a chance to unwind and connect before the session’s episode. It also helps to create the atmosphere of a date.

2. Watch episode

The episodes are around 45 minutes in length, with breaks for conversations. Each episode explores a different topic through real experiences, expert insights, and relevant teaching.

3. Talk privately

Providing space for couples to have private, intimate conversations is a must for every course. It helps enable couples to engage openly and honestly throughout the session.

Click here to sign-up

Sign-up closes 5 September.

Sausages & Sound Desks

St Michael’s is fortunate to have a team of people running our Audio and Visual systems every Sunday for services and midweek events for outside clients. 

We all support each other via the WhatsApp Group, but most of us don’t know each other face to face.

On Friday 25 August from 6pm, we will hold a BBQ social in the Auditorium (and back car park). Once we have eaten and chatted we will sit down to talk about all things tech, Pray and reflect. 
Then we will get both Audio Desks set up (the desk from the church as well as the desk in the auditorium), proclaim, lights, etc and try out any ideas people want to try. We will work on solutions to problems people have, and maybe even run some competitions. 

Burgers and Hot Dogs will be provided. Please bring own drinks (but not by the Sound Desk!) Click here to sign-up to let us know you are coming!

St Michael’s Church Refurbishment Project

The church building is important to our community and to our worship.

We are committed to protectingpreserving and enhancing the building as our legacy for generations to come.

In recent years, we have spent a considerable sum on building work to the tower, stonework, boundary wall and new roofs.

Over the past couple of years we have been looking to improve safety, visibility and accessibility inside the church building.

We are excited to move forward on this, making our church building, fit for generations to come, whilst honouring it’s history.

At our Gift Day for buildings and resources in June 2020, we had a reminder of the four key ambitions for the Heart of the Community project:

  • Create a spacious modern meeting place in the centre of the community
  • Restore our historic church building for generations to come
  • Upgrade our existing community rooms
  • Fund outreach and anti-poverty projects locally, nationally and internationally

These refurbishments come under the second of these ambitions.

Download PDF of presentation given at the open mornings held in Autumn 2020 click here


July 2023

Over the past year we have discovered that the pillars in the church have historical significance. Therefore there have been significant changes to the original scope of the plan. You can read the latest update here. We are still working towards DAC approval.

May 2022

Following the application being resubmitted, the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) will now consult the amenity societies (Church Buildings Council, Historic England, Georgian Group, Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings) to seek their views. This is equivalent to applying for Civil
Planning Permission, but in an ecclesiastical context. 

A finance availability timeline is being drawn up and we now have a potential start date of Autumn 2023.

March 2022

A positive meeting was held with the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) in church on 17 February. A written response has been received, and the DAC are broadly supportive of our aims. They had some comments which the steering group and architect are addressing.  We aim to resubmit the application again in April.

November 2021

The Faculty (license to make physical alterations) application has been put to the Diocesan  Advisory Committee ( DAC) and a positive response was received.  We will be responding to their initial questions and we will then resubmit the application

We have received three tenders, and an initial meeting with the preferred contractor will be arranged for an initial discussion.

Due to the complexities of the application, as well as rising costs, the start date of the refurbishment is now unlikely to be before Autumn 2022

The steering group continues to meet regularly and reports back to the PCC.

September 2021

The project specification has been sent out to tender with a full tender package supporting it.   

There are two documents which we wanted to share: 

Proposed plan – click here

Proposed plan for toilets  – click here

The preference for  flooring and chairs have also been decided on.

If you have any questions regarding these plans please do get in touch.

 August 2021

The trial digs earlier in the year were successful and plans have been drawn up. The next step is for the plans to be put out to tender. Once these tenders have been received we can go to the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) for approval of the faculty. We hope to be able to then start works in the New Year. 

The steering group (chaired by Simon) and Church Fabric Committee have also chosen the chairs and flooring for  post-refurb.

March 2021

We pleased to say that DAC List B permission has now been granted to proceed with the investigatory digs in the floor. After liaising with the contractor and archaeologist for a suitable date this will now take place week commencing 8 March. We’re excited to be moving forward and look forward to the results of the trial digs.

January 2021

Before starting the works, we must get approval from the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC).   They asked us to appoint an archaeologist to investigate the history of the church building and to oversee a number of trial digs. The digs are to confirm that there are no burials under the existing floor, so we know whether underfloor heating is viable.

We’re pleased to say that the archaeologist has been appointed and has started to research the history of the church.  Mogford Prescott Ltd has been appointed to carry out the trial digs. We have applied for a List ‘B’ approval/permission for the archaeological work and trial digs and are awaiting approval from the DAC. 

As soon as we’ve received this, our architect will coordinate with the Archaeologist and contractor to start five trial digs.

Church Graft

A Sent People – Church Graft Response

Revd Vicky Wicks has responded to the call:

“To graft an ordained leader with a team of thirty people from St Michael’s Stoke Gifford into the life of Holy Trinity Stapleton. The focus: to seek a vision that will enable us to reach out with the good news of Jesus, to make disciples and to serve the local community.”

Vicky, together with husband Rob, will be leading a team to go from St Michael’s to build a new community and form a new vision for Holy Trinity Stapleton.

There will be a commissioning service for Vicky, Rob and the team on Sunday 3 December at 6.30pm in the auditorium.