Messy Church

Wednesday 13 September

Please join us for another great session of Messy Church.

Together we will move around specially designed stations. There will be a 2 course tea with a sweet treat for pudding. Please advise of any allergies or special requirements.

Booking is essential for both adults and children who wish to attend. Please come for the whole session. 

We will be moving around in groups so please do tell us who you would like to be bubbled with by providing the persons full name when booking.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Click here to book.

Thank you Julie

Many of us will be aware that Revd Canon Julie Bradley is retiring from full-time ministry and stepping back from the Core Leadership Team.

To mark this, we are having a Thank you service followed by refreshments on Saturday 1 July at 4pm.
We would love as many people as possible to come along. Everyone is welcome as we mark this moment,  thank Julie for all she has done, and thank God for her and her ministry.

It would help us to have an idea of numbers, so if you are planning to come, please do sign-up here

The service will be live-streamed via our YouTube channel on this link.

Worship Team Night

CLICK HERE to sign up

We are having a worship team night on Wednesday 21 June at 7:30pm in the auditorium at St Michael’s Centre. The team night is for everyone on our worship teams across all of our services at St Michael’s, and for anyone who is interested in joining the team. 

If you weren’t able to make it to our last team night in November, it’s a great opportunity to meet with others on the team, worship together and pray together. The evening will start with some nibbles and an opportunity to catch up with each other and to make new friends; we will then move into a time of worship together and have a chance to pray for each other and for our worship as a church. 

As a worship team, meeting together, worshipping together and praying together is so important! We don’t just show up on a Sunday and play some music and go home, and we all need each other to make our musical worship happen. This team night is a really important time in our calendar, we want to encourage you to prioritise this if you are able to come on the 21 June.

Please sign up on the link below to let Rachel know you’re coming – this is just so we can bake enough cake and make sure there’s enough seating! 


Gift Day May 2023

This Gift Day supports the resources and buildings for St Michael’s Church

Ready to pledge? Click here

St Michael’s has a vision to be a Christian heart at the centre of our communities. And we live to make that difference through learning and growing together, sharing Jesus together, and serving together. This gift day supports our resources and our building projects.

What have we done since last year’s gift day?

At our Gift day last year we gave away 10% of all that we raised to our Mission Partners. We invested £90,000 to complete the tiered seating in the auditorium, and reduced our loans by £238,000.

At a recent prayer meeting, someone shared a little thought, saying “God is not finished with us yet”. It’s true isn’t it that we do now have a beautiful community building, but we are still called to build a community.

What will donations achieve this year?

We have 4 main aims this year:

1: To significantly reduce our loans on the church centre.   A £150,000 loan repayment will help to reduce loans to £481,000, compared to the £2 million in 2015.

2: Honour our commitment to the church refurbishment.

3: Fit solar panels to the roof of the church centre, making us more eco-friendly, and enhance the decor and audio-visual capabilities in the auditorium.

4: Give away £75,000 to our mission partners, having already given over £400,000 out of the project.

How Can We Get Involved?

Please think and pray about what you might give this year. We invite everyone at St Michael’s, to sow generously into God’s work by giving. How can we each play our part to make it happen, together?

  • Make a one-off financial gift
  • Start regular giving to St Michael’s Church Centre Ltd
  • Increase your current giving to St Michael’s Church Centre Ltd

How Do I Give?

We’re inviting everyone to complete this simple online Response form  

Gathering our responses helps us to be able to plan next steps.

Please click on the button below:

For ways to give to the Heart of the Community Project click here.