Mindfulness & Christian Spirituality

Day Course Saturday 4 November

Click here to book

Another popular day course on Mindfulness and Christian Spirituality with Revd Tim Stead

 We are delighted to welcome Tim back for another Saturday workshop.

These workshops are a great opportunity to stop, reflect, learn, and develop tools that help us ‘practise the present moment’ and ‘practise the presence of God’.

We need these skills more and more in our hyper-distracted,  24/7 digital age!

Whether you are seasoned in mindfulness or want to find out more – there will be something for you in this workshop, 

Intentions for the day:

– Explore how mindfulness practice can engage with and support the spiritual journey with particular reference to the Christian contemplative tradition
– Serve as a quiet day where participants go away feeling they have had space for deep reflection.
– Share ways that mindfulness could be taken forward for those who choose to.

There will be regular breaks throughout the day. Tea and coffee will be provided. Please bring a packed lunch with you.

Course leader
Tim Stead is an accredited mindfulness teacher who trained with the Oxford Mindfulness Centre. He was a Church of England vicar for 23 years and now operates as a freelance mindfulness teacher, teaching eight week courses and leading retreats and quiet days. His books, Mindfulness and Christian Spirituality and See, Love, Be – mindfulness and the spiritual life are published by SPCK. He has also published a Grove Booklet: Mindfulness and prayer. www.timsteadmindfulness.org

What people have said about these workshops:

“I now I have the practical tools to spend time with God in silence on my own – these tools and practices have actually changed my prayer life!”

“It’s so good to explore the links between current learning in mindfulness practice and Christian Spirituality – I didn’t realise there were so many’. 

“These workshops have taught me to appreciate the present moment more and more and notice God working in my life in the small things and the big.’

“I could listen to Tim for ages – he’s such a good communicator”.

Spaces are limited. Book early to avoid disappointment

Click here

St Michael’s is a Welcome Hub!

We are delighted to share that we have recently signed up with South Glos Council to be a Community Integration Hub for Resettling Communities (Refugees & Asylum Seekers).

So far this has led to us hosting weekly English Classes, monthly Clothes Distribution and Signposting Events, and from next month we will be starting to hold twice-weekly housing support sessions .

This is a great way of us living out our vision of ‘Living to make a Difference’ by being a Christian Heart at the Centre of our Communities and is an excellent use of our community centre.

For details of the events taking place across all the Welcome Hubs across South Gloucestershire, why not follow the Facebook page, or view the online calendar.

Easter 2023

Join in with all things Easter, as we reflect on the cross and celebrate in the hope of the resurrection.

Back in the time of Jesus, there was a little phrase that people used. Whenever a rabbi was attracting followers, they would say to potential followers, “are you willing to walk in my dust?” For us, it seems like a strange invitation! However, in Jesus‘s day, it reflected the dusty path that they walked on and the invitation to stay close to a potential teacher and instructor. ……….Read more here

Maundy Thursday 6 April 7.30pm

– St Michael’s Church

Join us for service of Holy Communion

This service will also be live-streamed

Good Friday 7 April 10.30am

– St Michael’s Centre

Join us for a special time of All-Age Worship and Reflection

This service is in-person only and will NOT be live-streamed.

Good Friday 7 April 12pm

– St Michael’s Church

Join us in Church for our Good Friday Reflective Service with Holy Communion

  • Stay for as little or as long as you like
  • Arrive or leave on the quarter-hour
  • Communion will be at 1.45pm

This service will also be live-streamed

Saturday Breakfast 8 April

Why not come along, eat breakfast with others in a relaxed and friendly setting, and listen to an interesting and inspiring talk?

We will be gathering in the auditorium to eat together, followed by a talk.  This month our breakfast will be sausage and bacon baps, fruit and croissants. Click here to book

Easter Sunday 9 April

  • The Nine o’clock in Church
  • The Ten-thirty in the Centre
  • The Six-Thirty in the Centre

Join in as we celebrate the Good News of the risen Lord Jesus! All services will also be live-streamed.

Read a digital copy of “Why Easter?” here.