Men’s Curry Night

It’s that time of year again and we’re hosting a delicious homemade curry in the Lower Hall in St Michael’s Centre on 4 February at 8pm. They’ll be lots of options including; Chicken, Lamb and vegetarian along with starters, naan’s and dips. All made by experts! So come along with your own drinks and meet up with others who enjoy a curry, a chat and a quiz! Cost £25. Closing date 2 February – see you there!

Click here to sign up

Alpha Course

Alpha is a place where no subject is off-limits, and no question is too silly, too difficult, or too controversial.

In January 2023 we’re running a daytime Alpha course here at St Michael’s.

The next daytime course starts on Tuesday 24 January 2023 at 9.30am

Click here to sign-up

There’s no pressure to sign-up for the whole course, just come along to the taster and see what you think. If you have any questions about the taster session or the course, please get in touch.