Remembrance Sunday 2022

Sunday 13 November is Remembrance Sunday

Our ten-thirty will begin outside with everyone gathering around the war memorial on The Green at 10.25am.  If you are worshipping at the nine o’clock, why not stay for coffee and then attend the act of Remembrance?

We will be joined by the Royal British Legion, and local Uniformed Groups. A short act of Remembrance will take place, with the laying of wreaths and 2 minutes silence.

After this everyone else will gather in the auditorium in St Michael’s Centre, from there, our young people will go to their groups in the usual places.  Our live-streamed online service will begin at 10.45.

Gift Day for Ministry and Mission 2022

Jesus makes a difference. He gives so much to us. Will you give back to Him?

Click here to respond. Click here to see our financial questions and answers.

Here at St Michael’s, our giving helps so much to happen!

To do all that we are doing costs £1440 per day. Currently, we are giving £1261 per day. Whilst we have a planned gap in 2022, this Gift Day gives an opportunity to close it in 2023.

Please think and pray about what you might give this year. Either as a one-off payment or a monthly standing order payment.

We invite everyone at St Michael’s to count ourselves in by giving. Our generosity helps us to Learn and Grow, Share Jesus and Serve….TOGETHER!


Please add your response by filling in the form below. Or, if you prefer, download a paper form. You can also email us if you have any queries.

After you have completed the form you’ll get an email with details on how to give.

If applicable, please complete the Gift Aid Declaration below, If you have already completed a Gift Aid form for us, you do not need to complete this part

Declaration of payments made by an individual to a charity
For completion by the donor:

•This declaration will cover all donations I have made since 6 April 2022 and all donations I make hereafter (either through multiple or single payments)
•Please treat my donations as Gift Aid donations (so that you can reclaim the tax back on my giving)
•By digitally signing this form, I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer. I understand that I must pay an amount of Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all charities that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes, such as VAT and council tax do not qualify and that St Michael’s Church will reclaim 25p on every £1. I will tell St Michael’s Church if I am no longer a taxpayer.

After you have pledged – check out how to give

Worship Team Night

We’re having a worship team night on Wednesday 16 November at 7:30pm in St Michael’s Centre.

It’s open to everyone on the worship and tech teams across all services, and anyone who is interested in getting involved.

We’ll be worshipping together, getting to know each other better and chatting and praying about what it means to worship and how we can live this out at St Michael’s.

No need to sign-up, just come along. But if you have any questions, please get in touch.