Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes 2022

Every year we take part in Operation Christmas Child – making up for shoeboxes of gifts for children worldwide. This is the world’s largest children’s Christmas project and is run by Samaritans Purse. It’s a great way to show God’s love in a tangible way to help needy children.

Click here for information on how to pack a shoebox . We also have leaflets available in Church and St Michael’s Centre, as well as some flat pack boxes ( first come first served on the boxes)

And you can also find out more on the Operation Christmas Child Website.

Tougher import regulations mean no toothpaste, chocolate or sweets as shoebox gifts. Let’s think creatively by adding other fun toys, school supplies and hygiene items that a child will love.  You can now include knitted items and 4 suited playing cards. More ideas here

Download gift suggestions here

Please drop off your boxes in church or St Michael’s Centre ready for collection by Sunday 20 November.

A Letter from Ellie


It is with great joy that I write to you as the newest member of the clergy team at St Michael’s. For those who don’t know me, I am Ellie Huggins, I am married to David and we have a little one, Josiah (2) and another baby on the way in December. Though I was on placement here throughout my training at Trinity College, a large part of that was spent in lockdown and so it has been a privilege to be able to continue to be part of the St Michael’s family as I serve my curacy here over the coming years. The journey to ordination has been a long one with lots of twists and turns along the way but the Lord has proved himself faithful through it all and it is with great joy that he has led us to St Michael’s for this season.

Speaking of seasons, a source of delight for me in these days has been observing the leaves changing on the trees as the bright green of Summer gives way to the oranges and reds of Autumn. Family walks with our 2-year-old have led us to discover again the joy of God’s creation as delight is taken in every stick and stone along our path. Acorns have proved to be a favourable collectable item and as I have gathered up them up from coat pockets at the end of a day, it has struck me afresh how something so tiny and insignificant can grow into something as majestic as an oak tree when planted in the right soil. Though acorns aren’t explicitly mentioned, in the Bible Jesus tells a story about a mustard seed which, though the tiniest of seeds, when planted well grows into the largest of all garden plants (Mark 4:30-32) As we ‘root’ ourselves in Jesus and build our lives on Him, we discover that, like the acorn and mustard seed, we too are able to grow and flourish knowing that we are held safe in the arms of our loving heavenly Father who promises to never leave or forsake us.

On Tuesday 1 November, we have a chance to come together for a service of thanksgiving and remembrance on All Saints day as we celebrate the lives of those who are no longer with us, and in whose lives the Church as a whole has seen the grace of God powerfully at work. As we give thanks for God’s grace in the past and the present, we recall that growth and flourishing in human life occurs in both the ordinary as well in the extraordinary circumstances of our lives. The All Saints service is in St Michael’s Church on Tuesday 1 November at 7:30pm.

As we enter new seasons ahead, within God’s creation as well as in the changing structures of our society, government and monarchy, may we take strength and comfort in the truth that, as we root ourselves in Jesus Christ – our solid rock and firm foundation – we can have confidence that he will lead us into life in all its fullness and the flourishing that can only come through him.

May God bless you and keep you in His love and care now and in the days to come,

Ellie Huggins

Paul Kerensa – The First Broadcast

Friday 14 October 2022 7.30pm

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Paul Kerensa is back with his fabulously funny one-man show “The First Broadcast”. We have a bar for this event, so why not come along for a fantastic Friday night out!

The First Broadcast is a new comic historical one-man play (think ‘stand-up history’) written by and starring comedian, writer and radio history fanatic Paul Kerensa, bringing to life the true tale of the BBC’s forgotten pioneers.

In this new comic play, Paul plays two genuine radio pioneers: Arthur Burrows and Peter Eckersley. 100 years ago they were opposing voices in The Marconi Company, with very different ideas of what radio was: Burrows the prophetic dreamer eager to inform and educate… while rebellious Eckersley just wanted to entertain. But who will give the first broadcast?

Hear Arthur and Peter’s story, as well as their voices, and see one of the first 1920s crystal radio sets. Be informed, educated, and entertained!

Writer for BBC1’s Miranda and Not Going Out, among countless others, Paul Kerensa’s the in-demand comic who plays comedy clubs and cathedrals.  He’s one of the few to have appeared both at London’s Comedy Store and on Radio 2’s Pause For Thought. A decade into his stand-up career, Paul’s one-man show has played to packed-out churches and other venues over the last few years, including festivals from Spring Harvest, Greenbelt, and New Wine, to the Edinburgh Fringe and Montreal Comedy Festival. Most recently, he’s part of the writing team for TFI Friday, Top Gear, Royal Variety Performance and Buble at the BBC. Paul’s books include Amazon top 100 bestseller Hark! The Biography of Christmas and children’s book Noah’s Car Park Ark. Paul is a regular on BBC Radio 2’s Breakfast Show.

If I was a joke thief, I would be shinning up Paul Kerensa’s drainpipe.’ Milton Jones
A comic wave that just keeps coming … As effortless a writer as he is a performer.’ The Stage
Paul Kerensa’s writing never fails to be uniquely funny and interesting. TV comedy is richer for Paul being a part of it.’ Miranda Hart

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