Mental Health Friendly Church Training Day

Saturday 29 October 10am-4pm

An event from Kintsugi Hope

About this event

Join the Kintsugi Hope team and explore together how we can elevate our understanding of mental health, eradicate the stigma against mental health issues by naming our position, and encourage a compassionate response through gentle presence.

The day is suitable for small group leaders, pastoral workers, lay leaders and anyone involved in caring or support roles in their church. This training will help you to:

• Understand our emotions and explore a robust theology of mental health

• Understand the Mental Health Continuum

• Explore how the church can help eradicate stigma

• Gain an overview of mental health conditions and how the church can respond

• Encourage compassion and a gentle presence in our churches and communities

• Cultivate our own and others’ wellbeing

• Develop mental health-friendly communities

Tickets £12

Book here

A Message from Julie Hobbs

We’ve had a pretty good summer weather-wise, haven’t we? A few years ago, we had our garden landscaped, and it’s been such a joy to watch the plants mature, nourished by appropriate plant food and a temperate climate. As I have sat in the garden over these summer months reflecting on God’s wonderful creation, it got me thinking about what we need so that we are nurtured in our Christian faith. 1 Peter 2:2 came to mind Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation’. Plants need a bit of help to become established and grow, and, in a similar way, we need a bit of help on our Christian journeys.

We are told to crave pure spiritual milk because our appetite for it doesn’t come naturally. Newborns will sometimes reject the very milk they are crying for until they get a taste for it and then they guzzle hungrily. So, what is this “pure spiritual milk” we need to hunger for? It’s the kindness and goodness of the Lord experienced through reading the bible. It’s not all we need, but it’s an important part of developing our faith whether we have been a Christian for many years or are just beginning to explore what the Christian faith is about. This month we’re starting both an evening and a daytime Alpha group for people wanting to know more about the Christian faith. If this is you, why not come along? The evening course starts with a taster session on Wednesday 21 September at 7pm. The daytime course starts with a taster session on Tuesday 20 September at 9.30am. More info here.

These days there are so many ways we can ensure reading the bible is part of our daily lives. You might like to try a bible app or Lectio 365, a free daily devotional resource that helps you pray the bible every day. Or you could purchase an audio bible such as the NIV version read by David Suchet and if you prefer something in print, how about Nicky Gumbel’s ‘The Bible in One Year’ (Hardback version)? Whatever ways we choose to guzzle the word of God, my prayer for us all is that our faith will mature and flourish and that we will reflect the beauty of God, just like our garden did over the summer months.

One person who clearly reflected God’s beauty and whose journey through life was scripture-led was our much loved and sadly departed Queen. Throughout her life, Queen Elizabeth II held her Christian faith dear and once said her religion was ‘an inspiration and anchor’ during her reign. Just as she drew strength from the message of hope in the Christian gospel, may we do likewise as we continue to mourn her loss and prepare ourselves for her funeral in the coming days.  

May God bless each one of you and keep you in his love and care.

Julie Hobbs – Licensed Lay Minister and Pastoral Care Assistant

An Evening with Philippa Hanna

Friday 16 September 7.30pm

Book now

We’re excited to welcome Philippa Hanna to perform for us at St Michael’s Centre with an evening of inspiring songs and stories!

Philippa Hanna is an internationally acclaimed performer racking up over 1500 shows in 25 countries. Since her industry debut in 2007, she has released 5 critically acclaimed studio albums and published two books, winning fans in the likes of Leona Lewis, Lionel Richie and Little Mix. The Yorkshire born, half-Irish, Singer-Songwriter is a rarity in the UK Music Industry, bridging the elusive gap between Gospel, Pop and Country music.
Known for her relatable songs and soulful, Country-tinged vocals, Philippa has drawn comparisons to the likes of Ed Sheeran, DollyParton and Taylor Swift. ‘Move over Taylor Swift’ [Maverick Magazine].

Her online videos have racked up millions of hits with her Gospel version of Ed Sheeran’s ‘Perfect’ tipping almost a million Facebook shares. As well as annual headline tours in the UK, Philippa has performed at the prestigious London Palladium an impressive 6 times as a support act, the 02 Arena and a sold-out Royal Albert Hall in May 2019 as special guest for Royal wedding singers ‘The Kingdom Choir’.

Don’t miss out on this evening of uplifting entertainment!

Tickets are £12 and can be purchased online or from reception in St Michael’s Centre.

Book now

For details of more events coming up in St Michael’s Centre click here

Life Group Sign-up Sundays

Life Groups are a central part of life at St Michael’s Church. They are smaller groups of church members who gather together regularly for conversation, Bible study, prayer and discussion. They provide an excellent chance to get to know each other better and to grow together in our faith. Very often they also provide excellent coffee and cake!

Every year in September, everyone is given the opportunity to sign up for a life group. This year our sign-up Sundays are 11 and 18 September. See below for a list of the groups available, and click on the one you would like to join. Any queries or questions please get in touch. Sign-up opens on Sunday 11 September.