Gift Day May 2022 Buildings and Resources

This Gift Day supports the resources and buildings for St Michael’s Church

Ready to pledge? Click here

We are One Church, with a Vision to be a Christian heart at the centre of our communities.

We live to make a difference, through learning and growing together, sharing Jesus together, and serving together.

We encourage these things locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. To make our vision happen, we hold 2 gift days a year. One in November to support day-to-day ministry, and this one to support our resources and buildings.

What have we done since last year’s gift day?

Our gift day last year saw 10% of all we gave given away to our Mission Partners, with a special emphasis on alleviating the effects of the Covid pandemic. We also put a serious dent in our mortgage for the Church Centre.

For 2022, this scripture seems relevant:

“Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means2 Corinthians 8:11

What will donations achieve this year?

We have 4 main aims this year:

  • Reduce our Mortgage for St Michael’s Centre
  • Donate £75k to our mission partners
  • Fit retractable seating in St Michael’s Centre
  • Honour our financial commitment to the refurbishment of the Church building.

How Can We Get Involved?

We are so very close to completing the Heart of the Community project. How can we each play our part to make it happen, together?

  • Make a one-off financial gift
  • Start regular giving to St Michael’s Church Centre Ltd
  • Increase your current giving to St Michael’s Church Centre Ltd

How Do I Give?

We’re inviting everyone to complete this simple online Response form  

Gathering our responses helps us to be able to plan next steps.

Please click on the button below:

For ways to give to the Heart of the Community Project click here.

Thy Kingdom Come 2022

In the global wave of prayer calling all Christians to pray between Ascension and Pentecost for more people to come to know the love and peace of Jesus Christ. Thy Kingdom Come runs from Thursday  26 May – Sunday 5 June 2022

What are we planning at St Michael’s?

Ascension Day Communion – Thursday 26 May 7.30pm in Church and live-streamed

Morning Prayer on Facebook Live – Friday 27 May, Wednesday 1 June 

Thy Kingdom Come Novena – Download

The Novena booklet offers nine days of reflections on the book of 1 Peter, written by the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby.

Expanding on nine key verses, it will help you be shaped by scripture throughout the days of Thy Kingdom Come, and is beautifully illustrated by Anna Heslop.

Download a copy of the Novena from Archbishop Justin Welby – click here

From the Thy Kingdom Come Team

Join the team live on Facebook as some of the TKC team get together to pray.
They will be doing several Facebook Live prayers over the  11 days 

Thy Kingdom Come App

We are excited to share the Thy Kingdom Come app. This is a wonderful discipleship tool for all ages, with content for adults, youth and children, created to spiritually nourish and encourages prayer during the eleven days of Thy Kingdom Come.  All of the key resources are featured on this free app and is a wonderful and accessible way for individuals and families to journey through this time of prayer. We encourage to you to share this with friends, family, congregation members and church networks. You can download the app from the google play store here and the apple app store here

Supporting Ukraine

Information on the Bristol response to Ukrainian Refugees – click here

Information on volunteering with Love Bristol helping refugees with the visa process – click here

We are currently in discussions with Bristol City Council and South Glos Council about becoming a Welcome Hub for providing support and space for Ukrainians to access. One of the requirements of a Welcome Hub is that they have a Welcome Hub Leader – if you feel that this is an area of Ministry that you would like to be involved in please get in touch.

If you are interested in hosting a refugee please go to the Gov website to register your interest.


Donate items via Barnabus Fund Food Gives Appeal

Thank you to all those who have bought items in and those who have taken them to the Swindon collection point for the Ukraine Barnabus Fund appeal. We have taken lots of full car loads of essential items so far which is fantastic! 

The current need is for the following:

Food  tinned food with pull lids, energy bars and food you can eat on the run.


Donate Financially

Donating financially is one of the quickest ways to practically help. Below are four different ways.

Donate to the UK Disaster Emergency Committee Fund Click here

DEC charities are in Ukraine and neighbouring countries meeting the needs of all refugees and displaced people: By donating to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, you’ll help DEC charities provide food, water, shelter and healthcare to refugees and displaced families.

  • £30 could provide essential hygiene supplies for three people for one month
  • £50 could provide blankets for four families
  • £100 could provide emergency food for two families for one month

Donate to Moldovan Mission

Moldovan Mission’s CEO, Mark McCormick, is the founder and former leader of Gotesti Baptist Church. He works closely with St Michael’s Mission Partner Ruslan Telpiz and other Pastors throughout Moldova.  Click here

Message from Mark: “We are at this moment supporting our Pastor Partners, as they help those who are fleeing the Ukraine. They are meeting the refugees on the border and giving food and accommodation. If they wish to go to Romania then they are transporting them. All this they are doing at their own expense. So we are trying to raise funds for them. If you would like to help please use our donations page and mark your donation Refugees. Thank you“.

Donate to Epaphras Trust

Epaphras Trust works in four countries: Kenya, India, Nepal and Ukraine and is a Mission Partner of St Michael’s Church. Trustee and church member Ken Hart has been to Ukraine around 20 times in the last 18 years. More info and details on how to give: Click here

Donate to the #HelpUkraine Emergency Appeal. Click here

This campaign is being organised by a community partnership of Ukrainian churches and organisations in Great Britain,  and the funds raised will provide accredited and registered Ukrainian charities with medicine, food and vital services. Donations can also pay for blankets, hygiene packs and trauma counselling.
  • The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of the Holy Family of London
  • Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in Great Britain
  • Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain (AUGB)
  • Association of Ukrainian Women (AUW)
  • Ukrainian Youth Association (CYM)
  • Plast Ukrainian Scouts in Great Britain
  • Association of Ukrainian Teachers (AUT)


Mothering Sunday Message from Vicky

As I write the sun is shining – long may it last!

At this time of year, I love seeing the daffodils coming out (there’s a patch just outside our kitchen window) – the yellowness of them always brings such joy and hope of new life. This is also a time when we are looking forward to Mothering Sunday. Mothers’ Day comes with all sorts of emotions, so let’s take care of one another as we enjoy celebrations, as well as holding some of the difficult things. Let’s take the chance to celebrate all the women in our lives, both past and present; all that they are or have been, and how much of an amazing impact they have, and have had, on us and those around them.

The lovely daffodils also remind us that it’s not long until Easter. The Easter story is such good news for all of us. There are lots of religions out there, all describing different ways to reach God. The brilliant thing about Christianity is that God has already done the reaching, as he came to live among us in the person of Jesus. Jesus didn’t only come and live with us; he has shown that he is stronger than death itself by dying and coming alive again, which is what we celebrate at Easter. He did this so that we can get to know God for ourselves. If you don’t yet know God for yourself (or even if you do!), why not come and join in one of our Easter services and find out more? We have reflections on Good Friday and services and celebrations on Easter Sunday. All the details can be found here

As we continue to hear about all that is going on in Ukraine and Russia, it is sometimes hard to know what to pray. A good place to start is for ourselves not to give up.  We know God is with us, as well as with those facing violence and fear in Ukraine, so let’s pray for hope and for peace, and until that happens let’s pray for the Holy Spirit to bring strength not to give up.

It feels that, 2 years after our first lockdown, things are beginning to return to normalI hope this makes you feel glad, but for those of you for whom this makes you feel anxious, please be assured of our prayers.

God bless and love to you all