Letter from Julie – August 2021

One of the things I think we have all had to learn to do during these last challenging 18 months is to hold onto things lightly.  Whether it’s been the opportunity to see family and friends, join together in much-loved activities, go away on holiday or whatever else, I’m sure we will all have had disappointments along the way that we have had to face and try to move beyond.

Last month we were able to welcome our little granddaughter Robyn-Jane, born in July last year just as we were coming out of the first lockdown, into our home for the first time.  We were absolutely thrilled that we got to witness her first independent steps whilst she was with us. But at the end of the weekend, she developed a cough and tested positive for Covid.  Thankfully she was fine, but of course we all had to self-isolate for 10 days, which meant we missed the first 5 days of our long-awaited holiday. Such is the roller-coaster ride that we have all been riding through Covid…! I know that I have certainly learned some valuable lessons around holding things lightly – and also around seeing God at work in some surprising and beautiful ways in the midst of the tough stuff that’s going on.

And whilst it’s true to say that we have had to learn to hold things lightly, alongside that many of us will have perhaps learned something about who, and what, we can hold onto tightly – and that is, of course, Jesus and the hope we have in him.  Jesus, who rides the roller coaster ride with us; Jesus the one who is always with us, always faithful.

One of the highlights of my summer has been the discovery of ‘The Chosen’, a beautiful dramatization of Jesus’ life, which can be found on YouTube or downloaded as an App.

In it the characters and stories we read about in the gospels are brought to life in such an imaginative, yet completely believable, way.  There are two seasons currently released, with a third in the making. I really commend it to you; it’s made a deep impression on me.

Another joy the summer has brought has been the opportunity to sing together when we gather to worship on Sundays – that’s certainly something I have really missed through these Covid months!  All our Sunday services and celebrations are back meeting in person – the weekly 9am and monthly 5pm services in church, and the weekly 10.30 and 6.30 celebrations in the centre.  As of now, there is no longer any need to book your place – just come along; it would be wonderful to see you.  (Please note that face coverings are still expected and recommended to be worn).  And in the coming weeks we hope to be able to see more and more of our ‘normal’ church activities starting up again; we’ll keep you posted!  In the meantime, let me leave you with these words from Hebrews 10v23:

‘Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful’.

May God bless you and keep you in His love and care.

A Letter from Julie Hobbs

Recently, our family enjoyed a wonderful day at the ‘Hidden Valley’ in Cornwall. It’s a place full of puzzle trails and a maze to get lost in. As I watched our four grandchildren working things out with such enjoyment written on their faces, for a fleeting moment, I wished I could freeze them in that happy place and keep them from everything they will have to face up ahead.

Of course, in reality, time does not stand still, and we live in a world that is constantly changing. Most recently, all of us have gone through so many changes because of the Covid pandemic. We have all suffered in one way or another and we long for all restrictions to be lifted and life to become ‘normal’ again.

But as I pondered the future for my grandchildren during this lovely day out, I was reminded yet again by God that whatever changes around us, he never changes. He is the same as He was yesterday, as He is today, and as He will be tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8). In a world of changing situations and changing people, God’s perfect character and nature will always be the same. He has a perfect love for each one of us. While change brings uncertainty and can be scary, remember God is not surprised by any of this. He will always remain in control. Biblical prophecies about the future remain unchanged and true. We can wholeheartedly trust Him through all the things that happen up ahead.

God is not like us; we change with the wind, but He never changes. He will fulfil his promises because He is the never-changing God. We have included some resources with this letter that we hope will give you a sense of encouragement and a reassurance that, while the world may change around us, God is the constant foundation we can hold on to.

May God bless each one of you and keep you in his love and care.

Julie Hobbs

Licensed Lay Minister and Pastoral Care Assistant

Vicky Wicks Ordination Service 3 July

On Saturday 3 July Vicky Wicks is being ordained as priest! This is the next stage in her curacy, and we are so excited to share in this as church family.

In normal times, lots of people would be going to Bristol Cathedral for the service. However, to ensure appropriate distancing, and compliance with Covid-19 rules, numbers are strictly limited.

But the good news is, we can all still support Vicky. The service is being streamed live from Bristol Cathedral via youtube and also on the Bristol Cathedral Facebook page

Please note that the actual links will not be available until just before the service starts at 3.30pm on Saturday 3 July

A Message From Vicky

I hope that you are doing OK – and that you are able to enjoy some of the sun that has been shining recently. It makes things a bit easier, doesn’t it? Although sometimes it feels too hot –but I really don’t want to complain!

As I write lockdown restrictions are beginning to ease… I wonder how that makes you feel? Perhaps you feel relieved and joyful at being able to meet friends and family again. Or maybe it makes you feel a bit anxious – after being told for so long that it’s not safe to go out, it’s a big change of our mindset to feel free to go out again. And, speaking as one who is more ‘relieved’than ‘anxious’, I still find it all quite exhausting!

But neither is right or wrong, so let’s go gently on ourselves and acknowledge how we’re feeling. Let’s take it one step at a time and do asmuch as we can manage – and allow ourselves time to recover too. I’m reminded of this verse from Isaiah 41:10, which is a great verse, however we’re feeling:

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

One thing I am looking forward to in the next month is being ordained Priest. I was ordained Deacon last year (in a slightly delayed ceremony!); being ordained Priest is the next step in the journey. One of the things that Priests are called to do, together with the whole church, is ‘tell the story of God’s love’ and I am really looking forward to doing that not just through words, but through who I am and what I do. I am sure I will meet many of you as I do that and as church begins to open up more, and I would be grateful for your prayers. The ordination service itself is on 3 July at 3.30pm in Bristol Cathedral. Numbers of people who can attend are still limited, but this time my family and close friends will be able to be there.

I’m looking forward to seeing you in person as things begin to open up, and if and when you are ready to join in. The Coffee Shop is already open again (from 10am till 4pm Monday to Friday), so do come for a cuppa when you can.
God bless and love to you all