
This Lent we have been looking at the practice of Fasting, as part of our teaching series, Practicing the Way, where we learn habits to help us become more like Jesus. 

We looked at fasting from the following topic headings: 

  • To offer ourselves to Jesus. (See Si’s talk here and Julie’s talk here) 
  • To grow in holiness. (See Ellies’s talk here)
  • To amplify our prayers (See Tom’s talk here)
  • To stand with the poor  (See Chris’s talk here and Trevor’s talk here)

What is fasting?

Fasting is one of the best practices we can do to integrate our entire person, including our body, around God.

The Bible links the practice of fasting with justice, with discernment, and with answered prayer. Jesus commended it – so it deserves our attention!

Biblically, fasting primarily involves abstaining from food to varying degrees and for varying periods.

We are well aware that this will not be appropriate for everyone. 

There are no shoulds and oughts when it comes to fasting, and like with all the practices, this is invitational. 

We can’t use the practices to control our formation or even our relationship with God. Our goal isn’t to control our formation but to surrender to Jesus, and fasting is one way we can do this. 

What if I can’t fast?

Some of us may not be able to fast food at the moment, due to a health issue or a season of life. See here for a list people who should not fast without professional/medical supervision. 

If you are unable to fast food for whatever reason then you may want to consider abstaining from media/your phone/shopping, or anything that will enable you to ‘go without so you can grow within’. 

First Steps

  • Pick a day that works for you.
  • Start with something manageable – We suggest you try fasting one or two meals. The goal is to make fasting a part of your regular life, not try it once or twice, hate it and never try it again. Start where you are, not where you feel like you ‘should’ be.
  • If you can do this with others in your life group or community, that can be helpful and encouraging. 
  • Drink lots of water. 
  • In the times you would be eating or preparing food perhaps read the bible,  pray, worship. Let your desire for food point you to Jesus as you open yourself to him. 


  • As Jesus encouraged it, fasting is personal and private, discretely undertaken and not publicly broadcast.
  • Fasting may have some side benefits to health and well-being, but it’s important to know from the Bible what it is for and not for. See below.
  • If you start fasting with (or to be precise, without!) food, take your doctor’s advice if you are pregnant, or have medical conditions like diabetes that might be affected. Children should not be fasting. 
  • When your fasting saves you time or money – consider how to use these savings wisely!

Further reading 

For more information on the following questions you may have, we recommend this excellent guide from Bill Bright: 

Fast Forward: The Untapped Catalyst to Spiritual Growth. A short free booklet by Lisa Bevere, on the topic of fasting (especially for women). It’s partly biographical, and partly inspirational/educational. See it here.
Bridgetown Church resources are also excellent – they are free but a little harder to access as it’s part of a programme (you can create an account/sign up). However, you can find their main PDF resource on the practice of fasting here.

Couples Connect – A Marriage MOT Evening

Marriage MOT evening for Married Couples 

Friday 23 February 
7 pm: Drinks and nibbles 
7.30 pm – 9.30 pm: Talk and discussion (just in your couple) 

Ticket cost:  £20 per couple CLICK HERE TO BOOK

Why not join us for a date night to invest in your marriage? Whether you have been married less than a year or more than 60 years (or any time in between), whether you have a good relationship or are struggling, this is a great opportunity to take stock of what is going well and identify areas that you’d like to improve. 

David and Sarah Abell, the founders of The Relationships Academy, will be sharing about the importance of building and maintaining a strong connection. They’ll be looking at what can impact connection and how to identify and rebuild it when we experience conflict, stress or misunderstandings. 

You’ll discover:    

What strengthens connection for both of you 
How you react when hurt or stressed 
How you impact each other when disconnected 
How to repair and rebuild your connection 
How to develop a resilient relationship

David and Sarah Abell are the founders of The Relationships Academy and have developed a model of couple to couple Christian therapeutic coaching. They met on a Christian counselling course but in the distant past, David worked as a dentist and Sarah was a BBC TV reporter. Sarah has also helped to develop The Marriage Course and The Marriage Preparation Course, was the Agony Aunt for the Daily Telegraph and a columnist for Psychologies magazine and is the author of “Inside Out – How to have authentic relationships with everyone in your life.” 

David and Sarah live in Bristol and have been working together, helping couples, since 2016. They have been married for 19 years and have one slightly cheeky teenage son and a very cheeky teenage (in dog years) Cavapoo.

Ticket cost:  £20 per couple CLICK HERE TO BOOK

Lunar New Year Social

We’re gathering to celebrate Lunar New Year on Sunday 4 February at 12:15pm in the Lower Hall.

The event will run until 2.30pm. It’s designed with Hong Kong people in mind, but all are welcome!

LUNCH – The lunch is bring and share – whatever you like (please add details of ingredients on the dishes to help those with any food intolerances). Where possible please bring your own utensils too.

CRAFTS – We will gather to make some decorations:- Write with ink and brush on red paper to make Fai Chun (Words of blessings). And red paper cuttings to decorate windows.

QUIZ – St Michael’s Men’s ministry has prepared a fun quiz aimed at people new to St Michael’s Church and the UK.   

Whether you are a Hong Konger or not, you are most welcome.


£2 per person (£1 for under 18’s)
Online bookings close midday Friday 2 February.