St Michael’s Summer Club

St Michael’s Summer Club

Summer Club is our annual club that runs for one week in the school holidays, where we aim to have fun and grow in our faith.

Summer Club is returning for its 4th year between Tuesday 6 August and Sunday 11 August. There will be 4 activity days when we will have fun and grow in our faith in Jesus together. The Kids Club will run between 9:30am and 3:30pm in the daytime, and the Youth Club will run from 5:30pm – 9:30pm. We will round this all up with our Summer Club Celebration at the Ten-Thirty on Sunday 11 August at 10:30am.

Tickets for our Kids Club have sold out and we are holding a waiting list  

To sign up to Youth Club click here:

If you have any queries please email and one of the team would love to help you.

Prayer Evening for Summer Club

Please join us as we gather as a church family to spend time in Prayer together for Summer Club. We’ll be gathering in St Michael’s Centre for an hour on Wednesday 31 July, starting at 7.30pm. 


2023 – Watch the video from last year below

Check out some photos below from our amazing week in 2023.

Are you interested in serving on our team next year? If so, please email (or speak to Jacob, Iain or Ellie)


Christmas Eve & Christmas Day

Christmas Eve 9am St Michael’s Church

Christmas Eve 10.30am Crib Service St Michael’s Centre

Christmas Eve Midnight Communion 11.15pm St Michael’s Church

Christmas Day All Age Communion 10am St Michael’s Centre

Advent Reflections

Our Christmas theme this year is The Great Invitation.  It’s an invitation to last a lifetime: to follow our Lord Jesus Christ.
Over the next few weeks, we will be exploring this in short video reflections. We’ll be led weekly in turn by Vicky Wicks, Tom Benyon, Julie Hobbs, and Simon Jones. Click here.

New Housing Areas Christmas Float

We took a Christmas Float to the New Housing Areas of Cheswick, Brooklands Park and Scholars Chase!

See some photos on our Facebook page!

What were we doing at Christmas 1971?

Christmas is often the time of year when we feel nostalgic and think of years gone by. We were recently given a copy of this notice sheet from 52 years ago, Christmas 1971! We’ve enjoyed looking at it, so thought we would share it! Click here to see it

Putting Faith into Action

Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them. James 4:15,17


When we buy coffee, only 7-10% of what we pay goes to the actual growers. Shop Fairtrade for a more equal distribution.

Many big companies – particularly Amazon and Starbucks – are notorious for dodging taxes and not paying their fair share. Go for independent cafés and retailers instead, when you can – including our own Coffee Shop here at St Michael’s

Buying second-hand clothes from eBay and charity shops is cheaper, more fun, and far better for people and the environment than buying new. It reduces the market for exploitative sweatshops, and stops ‘fast fashion’ from using up precious resources and going to waste.


Pitching in financially at St. Michael’s Church enables us all to better serve our communities and our global partners.

10% of everything given to St. Michael’s is funnelled straight to our mission partners who are living and sharing the good news on the ground in Bristol, the UK, and around the world.

We can donate to poverty relief charities too. If every member of St. Michael’s church gives the cost of one Tesco Meal Deal per week towards mosquito nets, we as a church could protect a quarter of a million people from Malaria every year.


Some of our local mission partners need volunteers to make a direct difference in people’s lives – that could be you.

The befriending program connects lonely refugees and asylum seekers with local people who can give a couple of hours a week to spend some quality time with them. More info at

Bristol Christian charity inHope need people to help feed the homeless and vulnerable in Bristol with jobs like serving food, washing dishes, and preparing food parcels. Visit to sign up or find out more.


Why not Tell your friends and family about the habits you’ve been building and actions you’ve been taking?

Hello from Vicky

Vicky has now joined our Core Leadership Team, and her ordination as a Deacon will follow later in the year.

You can watch Vicky’s licensing on the the youtube clip below. For more info from the Diocese and Bishop Viv, read the post here

You can watch an edited version of the service below, and underneath that is the full version of the service.

We asked Vicky to tell us a bit about this new stage, as we welcome her to the role.


I’ve been training for ordination for the last two years, and I start work at St Michael’s on 6 July. I’ve been part of the church here for a long time and so starting on Monday feels a bit like coming home. But I have a totally different role so it is also a new start – and I have all the nerves that starting a new job brings. I am so grateful to you, my church family, for all the love and support (and food and coffee and book-lending and so on) over these two years – thank you.

One of the things we are called to do as we get ordained, is to ‘tell the story of God’s love.’ That is what I am most looking forward to. I don’t yet know exactly what that will look like (but I know it is not an essay that needs footnotes!) but it will be with people inside and outside the church, through Alpha, with families and individuals of all different ages and anyone else who stands still long enough.

Please pray for us as a family as we adjust to this new phase. Rob continues to run his film making business, Oliver (20) will be back for his third year at university in the autumn, and George (18) will – all being well – start university then too. It’s all change in the Wicks household, so please pray that it does not overwhelm those of us staying in Bristol. Please pray too that I can see, and join in with, what God is doing here in Stoke Gifford, and that there will be plenty of opportunities to tell his story.