Prayer for Bristol: 30 days of prayer for peace

We have been invited to join churches across the city to pray for Bristol at this time in the run up to the elections and after the unrest of the recent protests. So far 50 Churches have committed and it’s running from 6 April- 6 May.
We are committed to pray on 30 April for one day.

The vision is that there would be a canopy of prayer and worship over Bristol as we all join as one church praying. 

“Work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare”. Jeremiah 29:7.

You can sign up through the 24/7 prayer page here to choose a timeslot for your prayers on 30 April

You can pray however, or wherever you like. Perhaps you would like to gather 5 others and have a prayer walk? Tom and Sara are planning one for 11am that day so contact Tom  if you’d like to join them Or simply pray where you are.

Feel free to pray for the whole hour or if you have less time, then simply pray for half an hour. There may be people already signed up for your chosen timeslot but do still sign up for that time – the more the merrier!

If you have any words or pictures, do send them to Tom and he will forward them to the ’30 days of prayer for peace’ Whatsapp group.  

We will also have two dedicated times of prayer together online:

Prayer Breakfast at 8am on Zoom

Morning Prayer on Facebook live at 9.30am.

National Day of Reflection

We’re supporting the National Day of Reflection on 23 March, the first anniversary of the UK lockdown, to commemorate this tragic loss of life and to stand together with everyone who’s grieving.

Organised by Marie Curie, and supported by the Church of England, the National Day of Reflection looks to reflect on our collective loss, support those who’ve been bereaved, and hope for a brighter future.

Take a minute’s silence at 12 noon on 23 March to show your support for the millions of people who are bereaved and take a moment to connect with someone.  You could light a virtual candle here

You can download an Act of Prayer that you can do from home during the day


Loving God, 
You hold all our times in your hands, our past, our present, our future. Be close to us now as we remember all the difficulties and disappointments of the past year. Be especially close to all of us who are thinking of someone we loved and knew, but see no longer, whether family, friend, colleague or neighbour. Help us to trust that they are at peace with you, and comfort us with your presence. 


Loving God, 
You place us in families and communities, and we give you thanks for all those around us who serve us and help us in so many ways. Give wisdom to community leaders, to our schools, hospitals, care homes and other agencies who make a difference to our lives. Help each of us to have the courage to reach out with thanks and kindness to those around us and to speak words of faith as we share the good news of your love.


Loving God, 
As we journey towards Easter, help us to live as people of hope, knowing that beyond the pain of the cross lies the joy of resurrection. Inspire us in our worship, through our churches and in our homes, that we may bring glory to you and joy to others. Be with those who are struggling in mind, body or spirit, and give courage to those who are facing uncertainty and change ahead. Help each of us to keep our eyes fixed on you, that we may reflect your light to all whom we meet.

Prayer for the Nation – November 2020

On Wednesday 4 November, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and Bishop of London called the Church of England to prayer for the nation throughout the month of November. Click here to read the letter

Throughout the month, we are encouraged to pray daily for a specific area of national concern, wherever we are, culminating in a collective moment of prayer at 6pm each evening.

Click here to download a printable resource

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said: “On the brink of this second lockdown we might understandably feel helpless, anxious and vulnerable. And we do what we can to halt the spread of this virus – but we can still feel powerless. Is there anything else we can do? Really do?
Yes. Yes there is. We can pray. Prayer is my first response when I feel out of my depth, when I need help, when I am worried, when I am concerned for those I love. It is a gift that God gives to all – whether you are a regular pray-er or not – bring your cares and the cares of the nation to God. For God loves and hears and holds. Prayer changes things.”
The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, said: “Prayer changes things. It changes things by inviting God into the room. At this challenging time when all of us are fearful and anxious, and when so many are suffering, it is the one thing we can all do. We can pray and invite God to change us, giving us the solace, strength and comfort we need for the difficult winter that is ahead of us. Let’s pray together at this difficult time.”

Head here  for the full list of resources from the Church of England

Members of our Operations Team share the prayer for each day below


Schools and colleges, children and young people.

We pray for all those involved in the shaping of young lives. We give God thanks for the sacrifice and commitment of teachers and all those involved in serving children and young people in education. We pray that all might be nurtured and cared for and that every needful resource would be made available – that all lives can flourish even in these difficult times and that no-one would be overlooked.


The elderly, isolated and vulnerable.
We echo God’s commitment to
those most at risk of this virus
by praying today for those who
are particularly vulnerable and isolated: praying for their deliverance, protection and comfort. We hold before God those who care for them – that they would be strengthened and encouraged in this work.


Businesses, the workplace and economic wellbeing.
In this time of great challenge,
we pray for the economic
wellbeing of the country. We remember before God those
who face great uncertainty in
their work. We lift before God those who have lost their jobs and face an uncertain and difficult future. We pray for a renewed commitment to our common life together


The NHS and other key workers.
Our God is the great healer –
and the agent used more than
any other is the NHS. Today we voice our gratitude for those who serve this country in the National Health Service and pray for that God would prosper the work of their hands – that they would all be encouraged in their continued
work of sacrifice and care amongst us


National and Local

We pray for those who are
in positions of authority with
responsibility for decision
making at national and local
level at this difficult time. We
ask that God would give great
wisdom, deep commitment to
all and right judgment.


All who are grieving, and all suffering with physical and mental ill-health

We bring to God all those who suffer in body, mind, spirit or with grief. We ask that in God’s great loving kindness they might know God’s sustaining presence amidst their pain. We pray for those who are stretched beyond their own capacity to cope and remain hopeful – that in the roar of these waterfalls God would bring a sense of coherence, comfort and strength.


Family, friends and
loved ones.

We lift to God those we hold in our hearts – praying for their health, their well-being and their sense of hope.
We pray that even when loved ones cannot physically be together they would not feel apart. We ask for God’s help in our communicating, our connecting and our caring.