Clothes Swap

On Saturday 16 March, the Eco Group is holding a Clothes Swap from 10am – 12pm in the Lower Hall in St Michael’s Centre.

What is a Clothes Swap? 

It is described as “where people gather to exchange clothing that they no longer wear.  This helps in responsibly rehoming clothes that no longer have value to you but could be just the right thing for someone else’s wardrobe. In a world thriving on overproduction of clothes, a clothes swap is a way to extend the lifetime of the clothing we already own, and making our wardrobes more economic”. 

For this event, please bring men’s, women’s or child’s (age 5 and above) clothes, shoes or accessories that are of good quality, clean, dry, and wearable (no underwear please) to swap and update your wardrobe!  When you bring some clothes, you will be given a token to “buy” items that other people have brought along!

Donations for WaterAid as part of World Water Day.

Welcome Lunch

Are you new to St Michael’s, or joined us within the last 6 months or so?
If so, please join us for a Welcome Lunch at 12.30pm on Sunday 28 January in St Michael’s Centre
It’s a great chance for us to get to know one another over a meal, and to find out a bit more about what goes on at St Michael’s.

Click here to sign-up to say you’re coming along

Couples Connect – A Marriage MOT Evening

Marriage MOT evening for Married Couples 

Friday 23 February 
7 pm: Drinks and nibbles 
7.30 pm – 9.30 pm: Talk and discussion (just in your couple) 

Ticket cost:  £20 per couple CLICK HERE TO BOOK

Why not join us for a date night to invest in your marriage? Whether you have been married less than a year or more than 60 years (or any time in between), whether you have a good relationship or are struggling, this is a great opportunity to take stock of what is going well and identify areas that you’d like to improve. 

David and Sarah Abell, the founders of The Relationships Academy, will be sharing about the importance of building and maintaining a strong connection. They’ll be looking at what can impact connection and how to identify and rebuild it when we experience conflict, stress or misunderstandings. 

You’ll discover:    

What strengthens connection for both of you 
How you react when hurt or stressed 
How you impact each other when disconnected 
How to repair and rebuild your connection 
How to develop a resilient relationship

David and Sarah Abell are the founders of The Relationships Academy and have developed a model of couple to couple Christian therapeutic coaching. They met on a Christian counselling course but in the distant past, David worked as a dentist and Sarah was a BBC TV reporter. Sarah has also helped to develop The Marriage Course and The Marriage Preparation Course, was the Agony Aunt for the Daily Telegraph and a columnist for Psychologies magazine and is the author of “Inside Out – How to have authentic relationships with everyone in your life.” 

David and Sarah live in Bristol and have been working together, helping couples, since 2016. They have been married for 19 years and have one slightly cheeky teenage son and a very cheeky teenage (in dog years) Cavapoo.

Ticket cost:  £20 per couple CLICK HERE TO BOOK