Harvest 2023

Each year when we celebrate Harvest, we collect non-perishable food items to donate to the local foodbank.

We are celebrating Harvest on Sunday 1 October this year, so please bring along non-perishable, in-date food items. The most-needed items are listed below.

You may also wish to consider donating directly to North Bristol Foodbank either financially or items that are needed. They have a Harvest appeal on this link.

Mid-Autumn Moon Festival

Together with South Gloucestershire Council service for Resettling Communities,  we hosted an outdoor Mid-Autumn Festival on Friday 29 September on the Green. This was to mark the Moon Festival, which many of our Hong Kong Community celebrate.  A team from St Michael’s worked with South Glos Council staff to plan the event and it was a great evening! It was featured on BBC Points West just before the event started, and many people came along to celebrate.

Sausages & Sound Desks

St Michael’s is fortunate to have a team of people running our Audio and Visual systems every Sunday for services and midweek events for outside clients. 

We all support each other via the WhatsApp Group, but most of us don’t know each other face to face.

On Friday 25 August from 6pm, we will hold a BBQ social in the Auditorium (and back car park). Once we have eaten and chatted we will sit down to talk about all things tech, Pray and reflect. 
Then we will get both Audio Desks set up (the desk from the church as well as the desk in the auditorium), proclaim, lights, etc and try out any ideas people want to try. We will work on solutions to problems people have, and maybe even run some competitions. 

Burgers and Hot Dogs will be provided. Please bring own drinks (but not by the Sound Desk!) Click here to sign-up to let us know you are coming!

Church Graft

A Sent People – Church Graft Response

Revd Vicky Wicks has responded to the call:

“To graft an ordained leader with a team of thirty people from St Michael’s Stoke Gifford into the life of Holy Trinity Stapleton. The focus: to seek a vision that will enable us to reach out with the good news of Jesus, to make disciples and to serve the local community.”

Vicky, together with husband Rob, will be leading a team to go from St Michael’s to build a new community and form a new vision for Holy Trinity Stapleton.

There will be a commissioning service for Vicky, Rob and the team on Sunday 3 December at 6.30pm in the auditorium.