Vision Night and Annual Meeting


Our Annual Meeting and Vision Night is on Wednesday 24 April at 7.30pm in St Michael’s Centre Auditorium.

Join us for an evening of inspiration and vision at our Annual Meeting and Vision Night! 
Throughout the evening we will be looking forward at our vision, values, and strategy. And we’ll also complete our formal Church of England annual meeting requirements as a PCC.
This is a key time to hear about the vision of the church and give thanks for all the Lord has done for us, so please put the date in your diaries!
Read more about the evening and the PCC at
You can just turn up, but it would aid us in planning if you could register in advance.
If you have questions to raise during the meeting, please can you submit them in advance on this form

The PCC is required to hold an APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting) at which reports are shared, accounts approved, and new members and officers are elected. Anyone may attend the annual meeting but only those on the electoral roll may vote.

There will be some documents to read ahead of the meeting. In line with our commitment to being more eco-friendly, we will not be printing multiple copies but they will be available on a pre-order basis when you sign-up.

The documents for the meeting are available on this link 

Serve on PCC
The PCC (Parochial Church Council) is made up of Clergy, Church Wardens, members of the Deanery and Diocesan Synods, and a number of elected members. Being a member of the PCC means you are part of decision-making, and carries some legal responsibilities. PCC members are considered ‘trustees’ by the Charity Commission.  To stand for election to the PCC you must be 16 or over, on the church Electoral Roll, regularly take communion, and be legally allowed to be a Charity Trustee. At the meeting on Wednesday 24 April, we will be electing new members. If you have an interest in standing, please contact the PCC Secretary via the church office or speak with Simon.