
The Nine-O-Clock

Weekly – 9:00am-10:10am – St Michael’s Church

Our first service on Sunday mornings at St Michael’s is more traditional in it’s style, with hymns/songs, spoken liturgy and Communion all connecting us to Jesus. On the first Sunday of each month, the service is Morning Prayer. At all our services there is the opportunity for anyone to receive prayer, for themselves or any other concerns.

And afterwards…Coffee and conversation in our Coffee Shop on the other side of the green. This also provides an opportunity to meet and chat with those arriving for the 10.30 am service.

The Ten Thirty

Weekly – 10:30am-12pm – St Michael’s Centre

A contemporary worship service for all ages. We start all together in the auditorium, with groups available for children and youth after 20 minutes. This is our most popular service for families with children.

A creche is also provided for those with very small children.

At all our services there will be an opportunity for anyone to receive prayer, for themselves or for anything else that concerns them.

We share tea, coffee, squash, biscuits and conversation afterwards

The Six Thirty

Weekly – 6:30pm-8pm – St Michael’s Centre

The evening celebration at St Michael’s is usually the most informal and imaginative of our regular worship services.

The teaching comes from a wider variety of speakers and helps us connect with Jesus.
It’s not unusual for there to be an extended time of ministry at the 6.30 celebration, when we allow more time and space to listen, to pray for one another and to receive God’s blessing.

Forest Church

Monthly – 3pm-4pm – Cheswick Woodland

At Forest Church, we explore God’s creation, sing songs, hear bible stories, play games and have lots of fun along the way – whatever the weather!

Meet at the entrance to the woods on Long Down Avenue (opposite Bushy Leas)


Monthly – 5:00pm-6:00pm – St Michael’s Church

On the first Sunday of each month the traditional Anglican service of Evensong is held in the church building at 5.00pm.
This is a simple act of worship, with spoken liturgy, Bible reading, hymns and a sermon.

YouTube, Resources & Streaming

Each Sunday we meet in order to be refreshed and equipped for the week up ahead.

Find details of our current teaching programme here

You are very welcome to join us in person for any of our services. 

The 09.00 is in our historic Church building, and the 10.30 and 18.30 are in St Michael’s Centre.

For those who can’t come in person, please head to our youtube channel

Streamed services from previous weeks

Head to this youtube playlist to see our previous live streamed worship.

You can also view the sermons here.

Morning Prayer

We live stream a short Morning Prayer service each Wednesday & Friday at 9.30 am.
We stream on Youtube, so please subscribe to our channel or click here to watch on this site.