Heart of the Community is go

Building work started this week on the first phase of the Heart of the Community project. Praise God! 

The story so far

The project is part of the vision of St Michael’s – Living to Make a Difference. Our desire is to share what God has given us with others in the local area and the wider region as part of our ongoing commitment to serve the community in which God has placed us. It is the way that we believe God has called our growing church to meet the needs of our growing community.

Some have been dreaming and praying about this for over 20 years. Others have been working towards it for the last 5 years. Many more have got involved recently. We’ve seen God’s guiding hand and miraculous provision each step of the way: from acquiring the land in the first place, to being granted planning permission at the first attempt, to the incredible generosity of the congregation in giving or pledging over £2m last May.

The phases

Over the next 12 months, Bristol-based contractor Bray and Slaughter will be building the full shell of the new church and community centre on the derelict site of the Old Barns. This first phase also includes provision of church toilets and some useable space in the new centre.

The next phases of the HOTC project will be the complete fit-out of the church and community centre, including a 600 seat auditorium; the refurbishment of the church; and upgrading the Old School Rooms. We have also committed to give 10% of the money given and raised by the congregation to similar building projects overseas and the Mission Action Group have already given £20,000 for a church and community centre in Moldova and a girl’s dormitory in India.

Please pray with thanksgiving for 

God’s continuing favour

The safety of all involved

Minimum disruption to our neighbours

A quick completion of the shell

The remaining funds (another £1m by Autumn 2014, £5.5m in total)

Play your part

Everyone is invited to play their part. Visit the website for the most up to date details of the project and to find out ways to get involved in giving, fundraising and praying. Watch out for more opportunities in the Autumn!


Celebrating 150 years of serving the community

To mark 150 years of serving the community St Michael’s Church and St Michael’s Primary School are hosting an open-air service of celebration followed by a family fun day.

It’s 150 years since the Old School Rooms – back then a new Victorian village school – first opened. The celebration service is taking place in front of the Old School Rooms on the village green. It will feature songs and stories from pupils past and present, Victorian hymns and a prize for those who come in Victorian dress!

Sunday 23rd June


Stoke Gifford Village Green

Bring your own picnic lunch and stay on afterwards for games, a photo exhibition by the school, an opportunity to watch the Heart of the Community project DVD, and the last chance to visit the site of the Old Barns before the diggers arrive in early July!

The whole community is invited, but pupils of St Michael’s School, past and present, are especially welcome.

Please click on the link to see our press release: HOTC press release