Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Group

Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Group

We are currently planning our next courses. Please email Jess and Abbie if you would be interested in joining.

The next events for Kintsugi Hope are:

How is your emotional wellbeing? 

After the last few years it may well have taken a bit of a battering!  Maybe you are struggling with anxiety, depression, anger, grief or stress or maybe you are supporting someone dealing with these issues…

They are all very normal emotions; so please know that you are not alone! 

Why not consider joining a 6 week wellbeing programme being run by St Michael’s Church, Stoke Gifford?

It’s called Kintsugi Hope and is based on the belief that there can be treasure found in the scars of life. 

Each week, in a small, safe and supportive group, we will look at subjects rarely talked about in depth such as : Honesty, anxiety, depression, perfectionism, shame and anger.

The aim of this shared journey is to gain support, understanding and tools that will enable us to become more resilient. 

Kintsugi groups are suitable both for people of faith and for those with none.

Please email Jess and Abbie if you have any questions

Who is it For?

The stress and demands of modern living can take their toll on our mental health and wellbeing.

Many of us may feel the effect but not fully understand the cause. There has been a tendency in our society to not talk about our struggles yet ….” healing starts the moment we are heard!”

So the vision of Kintsugi Hope is to provide a place where people can experience :

  • Safety and support where there is no shame and embarrassment in struggling
  • An increase in self worth, confidence and wellbeing
  • A deeper understanding of the reality of Gods love for them.
  • Clear pathways to receive additional support if needed

What it’s not….

It is not therapy – there are no leaders or experts.

For this reason it would not be suitable for those with a more serious diagnosed mental illness.

If you feel this might be for you and you’d like to find out more or would like to sign up for a group please email

Comments from previous participants:

“ I looked and listened to others in the room who I presumed had their lives sorted and realised that it wasn’t just me , that I wasn’t alone in my struggles”

“ The materials and resources covered have provided me with a metaphorical tool box to refer to on difficult days”

“ I’ve learnt about myself, what God wants for me and that there’s a better way, a better life in Him, as He intended”

“ I wish there had been something like this years ago! I needn’t have struggled for so long in silence”

“ I’ve realised ‘it’s OK not to be OK’ and that this was the first step to me acknowledging where I was at, having the desire to make changes, seek further and move forwards”

“The Kintsugi Hope Group allowed me to be honest with myself amongst a group of people where there was no judgement and who I could trust. It helped me to understand myself in a  better way”

One final comment …. “ We HAVE to do this …it’s the heart of the gospel!”